
Occupational Therapy/Creativity

The registered occupational therapist and the coordinator of the Creativity department are responsible for numerous group activities:

Occupational Therapy

The occupational therapist assesses and treats Toevlug patients in a holistic manner where the person as a whole is treated. Group therapy is presented to improve the patients knowledge and skills regarding life as well as social skills that they might need on a daily basis in Toevlug as well as after discharge. The group therapy includes: stress management, relaxation therapy, day planning, free time management, budgeting, conflict and anger management, assertiveness etc. The patients are also taught how to handle triggers and cravings and they are taught refusal skills. Throughout all the sessions self worth and confidence are boosted so that the patients can leave the centre with a feeling of hope and being proud of themselves, looking forward to the future as healthy sober and drug-free persons.


The creativity department offers a wide variety of activities to patients e.g. leather-work, woodwork, mosaic, material painting, decoupage and glass painting. This is done in various group sessions. An entrepreneurship course also helps them to realise how they can use the above skills to start a small business.

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